

Analysis (w/w)
Total Nitrogen 30%
Nitric Nitrogen 7,5%
Ammonium Nitrogen 7,5%
Ureic Nitrogen 15%
Specific gravity 1,300 g/ml
pH 6,0-6,5



• High purity of raw materials, which makes the fertilizer suitable for foliar application.

• Nitrogen is present in its three forms and is quickly available.

• High Nitrogen content.

• Increases vegetative growth and prepares plants to a better blossoming.

• Higher yields.

Application and dosages:

By foliar spray, apply at the following dosage (cc in 100 litres of water):

Fruit Trees: 150-200

Olive Trees: 300-400

Grape Vine: 150-200

Vegetable Crops:100-150

Flower and Ornamentals: 150-200

Industrial Crops: 7-10 Lt/Ha


It is advisable to treat during the coolest hours of the day.

Do not apply in high temperature.

The product should be stored at normal room temperature.

In case of accidental spillage, clean up with suitable absorbing material.

Package: 1L, 5L,10L, 20L