

Analysis (w/w)
Nitrate nitrogen 9%
CaO 10%
MgO 5%
Mo 0,07%
Specific gravity 1,478 g/ml
pH 0,8-1,0
pH 0,5% solution 6,5



• High purity of raw materials, which makes theproduct suitable for foliar application.

• High content of Calcium and Magnesium in liquidform coming from nitrate salts

• Calcium and Magnesium are quicky assorbed bythe leafs supported by the presence of Nitrogen.

• Improves the consistency of the vegetal tissuesand fruits, besides colour, shelf life, taste etc.

• Improves the deseases resistency.

• Improves the building of cell walls after theirdivision.

• Molybdenum helps the synthesis of Chlorophyll and also reduces the nitric nitrogen into organic nitrogen inside the leaves.

Application and dosages:

By foliar spray: apply at the following dosage (cc in 100 litres of water).

Fruit Trees: from fruit setting to fruit colouring spray 3-4 times at the rate of 250-350 cc.

Grapes: three treatements at 10-15 days interval starting from bunch formation using 200-250 cc.

Vegetable Crops:in pre-blossoming at 200-250 cc. and repeat at least three times.

Flower and Ornamentals: spray at 200-250 cc. during pre-blossoming stage and repeat two-three times

Industrial Crops: spray at 250 cc. in case of deficency. Repeat if needed.

By fertigation: apply during the same phases as above, with a dosage of 6-10 lt/Ha for vegetable and ornamental crops and 12 lt/Ha for fruits threes and grapes.


It is advisable to treat during the coolest hours of the day.

Do not apply in high temperature.

The product should be stored at normal room temperature.

In case of accidental spillage, clean up with suitable absorbing material.

The product can be mixed with all common fertilizers and pesticides, except products containing sulphate, but it is advisable to make a small mixture test before apply.

Package: 1L, 5L, 10L, 20L